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In a November 2004 interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," Jim Carrey was unashamed to voice his spiritual beliefs, which is quite unusual for an actor. I have never seen any actor so bare his soul. When the interviewer said, "I get the sense you are a big bundle of conflicting emotions," Jim responded, "Yeah, I'm emotional. I've decided to be there. I only act in the movies." My heart went out to him.
This week we received a phone call from a young lady named Kelsey J. who attends Pepperdine University in Malibu. She saw Jim Carrey in a yogurt shop on a Friday night in April. She left, drove around the block ten times, terrified to go back. But she did, and was able to witness to himfor an hour. She took him through the Law and he was very open. Interestingly, in What Hollywood Believes Jim Carrey is quoted as saying, "I don't know what God is but I know that He's at least an energy that rules all that walks the earth and I really think there are laws. There are laws and maybe they're within us." He's right about that. And God sent him someone to tell him about those Laws. Please pray for Jim's salvation. (This entire witnessing encounter, and many others, will be detailed in a new book due out at the end of the year.)
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