Welcome to 2007 !!!

Hello , good-evening and welcome. It has been many moons since our last entry. Thank you for dropping by. Please take time and check out the many and diverse postings over the last couple of years . You could actually stay here for hours and not become bored! To some who may find themselves reading this , much of the resource material may not make much sense . It may seem like we have a somewhat egotistical perspective.
Truth be known as Jesus said on several occasions 'He who has ears , let him hear' , but we much say 'He who has eyes , let him see' or 'He who has understanding, let him do so'
This material is for the Mystical Body of Christ (the Church) and as such , the Body alone is initiated into the Mystery of God which was manifested in the Person of His Son. As John put it ' We have both seen and handled the Life itself ', meaning Jesus, the very Substance of Life coming down from heaven into his world of confusion , darkness and rejection, not to mention blindness and ignorance. ~ He still says 'I am the Light of the World ~ he who comes to me will have the light of Life ' He who has ears to hear , let him hear.
This is the first entry for 2007 ~ Have a Happy , Joyous and Blessed New Year !
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