That Chinese Word ~ (as in Cross-Cultural Ed.)
No, it's not time to decorate the Chinese Christmas Tree!

MORE ON THE OBSESSION OF THE WRITER (whose wife just looked in and said 'how gooffy', referring to the capture frame. She just don't get it!) ~ ACCORDING TO CHUCK LENHART { see the fam link way below post }~ This is pronounced 'Ahei' as in "I" and is pronounced as if being punched out from the gut or 'bowels' (in King James English) It is a Chinese word for GOD'S LOVE i.e AGAPE. Now who among you does not think that is COOL? Sometimes we just have to express ourselves! Amen !

MORE ON THE OBSESSION OF THE WRITER (whose wife just looked in and said 'how gooffy', referring to the capture frame. She just don't get it!) ~ ACCORDING TO CHUCK LENHART { see the fam link way below post }~ This is pronounced 'Ahei' as in "I" and is pronounced as if being punched out from the gut or 'bowels' (in King James English) It is a Chinese word for GOD'S LOVE i.e AGAPE. Now who among you does not think that is COOL? Sometimes we just have to express ourselves! Amen !

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