Remember no matter how wealthy you become in this life or how many letters may accumulate after your name, one thing is certain. You may be doing very well, be very happy or perhaps the reverse can be said of you and you long or even pray for that big 'break' you hope will one day come. There is however, one fact that levels the playing field of life for all of us. No matter how much we dislike the subject , it will not ever go away . Even if we choose to never think of it, it is still there lurking at the back of our minds. There is no escaping the fact that as sure as you and I were born into this world, we will one day die. You are going to die. I am going to die. There is nothing we can do to reverse that. It is the ultimmate statistic....an inescapable truth. Also there is another disturbing fact to be considered, and that is; you are going to be dead alot longer than you have ever been alive.
If you are a responsible person you may have planned or be planning for your retirement. After all you do deserve something to help you spend your after work days in relative comfort. It is an interesting fact that many of us spend more time and money preparing for this time of our lives than preparing for when we leave this place at the end of our lives via the portal of death. Are we prepared for that ? Have we been researching the possibilities? The world's best selling book of all time has much to say to us about this very important subject. If there was a way to avoid death would you be interested? Do you believe the bible's claim that you may actually know you have recieved the gift of eternal life, is true? No need to speak the answer out loud. Just listen to your conscience. Maybe it is time for you to check out that best selling book before you actually check out. After all, are you guaranteed the experience of brushing your teeth tomorrow morning? How many on 9/11 2001 had the experience of brushing their teeth in the morning for the last time as they had no idea they would be in eternity by the end of the day. One day you will indeed meet God , for it is appointed unto all men to die, and after this the judgement, Are you prepared ?
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