One of the "The Way of the Master" episodes, "The Greatest Gamble" has such a clear gospel presentation that we've produced it as a separate DVD. It eliminates phrases like "Who do you know who isn't saved?" and is packaged so that it doesn't appear to be a Christian product, making it a great gift for the unsaved.
This DVD explains that the "greatest gamble" is to say there is no hell. It helps the lost understand that they're gambling with their eternity, explains the evidences for hell as a just punishment for sin, addresses the conscience, etc. The on-the-street interviews clearly explain the gospel. Available at a very low cost in small quantities, it's perfect for giving to lost people as an effective witnessing tool.
Back cover copy:
Many people enjoy the excitement of gambling — taking a risk for the chance of a big payoff.
What would you be willing to risk to win a cool $10 million and be set for life? Would you bet your very life playing Russian roulette? We went to Las Vegas and made that offer, and some people said yes!
However, there is something at stake that is even greater. See if you are already taking the greatest gamble. $2.00 EACH IN QUANTATIES OVER 10!
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