..:: God Makes it Obvious ::..
Sent into Livingwater.com by Milt S. (Minneapolis, MN)
I had just received my first order of tracts from Living Waters - the Million Dollar Bill. The next morning, I prayerfully asked God to show me when to use them, since I had no clue, nor any guts to follow through. I said, "God, it needs to be REALLY obvious!"
I had a bunch of tracts in my wallet as my wife and I started out for work that morning. She asked me to stop at a local convenience store for something. I went in, paid for my purchase, and as I opened my wallet, I saw the Million Dollar Bills. Should I give the clerk one? I hesitated, not sure how this all was supposed to work. I was aware of the need to reach out, but too embarrassed at my first attempt to hand out the tract.
Another guy walked in, apparently a regular at the store. There was small talk between the regular and the clerk, and all the while I am arm-wrestling with myself over handing out the tract. Then, out of the blue, the regular asked, "So, Pete, have you made your first million yet?" "No," he responded. To which I promptly said, "Here! Here's your first million!" He was delighted!!!
How much more obvious could God be?!? Now I give them away like candy.
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