AND SOMETHING MIGHTIER THAN "THE FORCE" WILL BE WITH YOU ...UPON GRADUATION YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF TO BE - A FULLY EQUIPPED 'JEDI' OF THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - HAVING HANDS ON KNOWLEDGE OF TOOLS TO ENABLE TO SNATCH A HUMAN SOUL FROM THE FIRE BRANDS OF HELL ! ( FOR YOU UNBELIEVERS ~ 'TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION' )Join more than 5,000 students from around the world . . . from Norway, England, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Argentina, Pakistan, China, Australia, Holland, South Korea, Africa, Greece, Malaysia, France, Singapore and the United States.
Study at your own pace. If you miss some time, just pick up where you left off. Each lesson takes about 20-40 minutes (depending on how in-depth you study it). The course may be started at any time as each lesson goes by number rather than by date. We are available to answer your questions during the course via e-mail, and many questions can be answered through interaction with other students on the forum and chat room. ALL ABOUT THE SCHOOL...
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