If you are a Christian and are reading this it is not an accident. You might take a minute and look over your shoulder. I can wait. Truth is that God has your number. In fact He has the number of every hair on your head. He knoweth your frame and remembers that you are dust, so there is simply no excuse for this behaviour to continue. Look at the picture above. It shows a very good fisherman. Using both hands with such skillful ease. Peter was a fisherman. Probably not as good a fisherman as the eagle in the picture, but it was his livelihood. One day he hadn't caught anything at all ...all night long and he was cleaning his nets in the early morning on the beach with his fishing partners. Jesus shadow fell on him as he was bent down doing what he had always been doing. He looked up as Jesus told him to go out again for another catch. 'You don't understand. We fished all night and have nothing. Nevertheless , at your word I WILL do as you say and cast my net out one last time. Okay, on the other side of the boat!' Peter went out and did it. And then it happened. The nets were almost breaking with all the fish. They needed help from other fishingboats to draw in the catch. Peter said to Jesus 'Get way from me, for I am a sinful man' Jesus said to him 'Peter don't worry , from now on you will be catching men. Follow Me.' Peter learned to catch men and God desires for us to also do the same. He watched Jesus do it for 3 years after that call to follow. He learned. So can we. Check out wayofthemaster.com and come and see for yourself. He wants to make you like the eagle above.
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