"The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul" according to Psalm 19! Just what does this mean? When we understand with the apostle Paul that by the Law is the knowledge of sin, we become aware that the lawful use of the 10 commandments (the Law of the Lord) is very biblical. Especially in relation to the conversion of the soul. Paul says " I had not known sin, except the law of God show me" The church for so long has been offering the world the cure when in fact, it doesn't even see that it has the disease. It is the law of the Lord that makes the simple wise, and shows sin to be, as Paul put it, exceedingly sinful. This can be likened to the terminally ill man who goes to the doctor . He does not know how sick he is until the doc takes the time to visit with him in his office to disclose the seriousness of the man's condition. The doctor shows him the x-rays, blood tests, etc so the sick man gets the picture. i.e. that if no cure is available, he doesn't have long to live.
The doc tells him there is , in fact, a cure. How long do you think it takes the sick man to lay hold of the cure?
See the principle as it applies to the goodnews of the gospel! Doesn't this make sense?
Here is a vid showing the convicting power of the law of the Lord as it sets the stage for the Grace of God.