According to the best selling book of all time the meaning of life could be explained in terms of the mending of a seemlingly irreversibly broken vertical relationship. Without the reference point of the Creator, life is meaningless. Just as a building is the evidence of the builder or a painting evidence of the painter so we are evidence of the Creator. Here we are not talking of some man made religion (man trying to find God thru good deeds, enlightenment and the like), but the opposite being the case. God actually seeking man. Somehow we are all born metaphorically blind. History itself shows us mankind has not learned from history. Man is subject to a downward pull, so to speak, and is in great need as is the whole world for that 'Eden Lost'. The whole idea of possible perfection and the fact that we can even contemplate the idea of an 'absolute' is proof of an echo in the soul of an Eden lost. Even the idea of the word 'hope' tells the same story.
Here is a riddle to illustrate the meaning of life :
"A man once broke all of the Ten Commandments. He lied, stole, lusted, failed to love God above all else bla bla bla. All to the point of having broken every moral Law in the Universe. How could God who is absolutely perfect and holy (and therefore by His very nature must punish transgression of His Law), forgive him freely, and yet justice still be done? How can the man in the story avoid Hell and go to Heaven?"
Here is the answer to the riddle in the story and the meaning of life itself: "The only way the man in the story could avoid being found guilty on Judgement Day when all of humanity must give 'an account of every idle word' is to turn from the way of meaninglessness and trust the One who mended the vertical relationship. In order for that man to arrive at such a decision he must first see his danger.
In order to see his danger he must listen to his conscience which impartially bears witness that morally he is in trouble with God for violating His Law, and will infact be found guilty when all the evidence comes out on Judgement Day.Therefore, in the story this man will be condemned as a criminal and end up in God's eternal prison i.e. Hell
That was the bad news in the meaning of life. Now for the goodnews in the meaning of life. Someone the man didn't even know arranged to pay the man's fine for breaking God's eternal Law. IN fact when Jesus Christ was on the cross , He was actually paying the fine for that man. When the words were uttered from the cross "It is finished", He was actually saying , 'The price has been paid in full' The one who trusts God's word in this 'ransom' is counted free by the Almighty Judge Himself, for it was the Judge's son who voluntarily paid the fine. Then he split time in two at His resurrection. Such is the love and justice of almighty God toward us who listen to our consciences which will always agree, just as an impartial judge, with God's own moral Law . When the man trusts in this ransom, the man is indeed born - again into the vertical relationship that had been somehow severed back in Eden thru the injection of the first ever lie, and thus heaven , for all eternity becomes that man's home. The gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord."
Millions on earth now and in the past , have by their own experience, proven this to be true and the true meaning of life. Men , women and even children gave their lives in order to not compromise this eternal truth. The historical narrative of the historical account for this ransom speaks to those who will hear. Whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord will be 'saved'. So crack open the best selling book of all time and find the meaning of life for yourself. YOU ARE ALLOWED 1000 WORDS TO TELL YOUR IDEA OF THE MEANING OF LIFE FOR INCLUSION OF A NEW BOOK THAT IS BEING WRITTEN ~ IF YOU WANT TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN CLICK HERE
Okay, so nobody is perfect and all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Even Mel Gibson ! It's kind of interesting how alcohol can affect the system. I have seen it change a somewhat 'normal' person into a grotesquely evil individual on several occasions ~ Jekyl and Hyde personality type changes. Alcohol is a definate 'downer' after a very temporal and momentary high. What is interesting to me however, is that the influence of his dad is obviously there (unavoidable) and there happens to be many in Hollywood's high places those who are, infact, Jewish. It is also well known that Hollywood wanted nothing to do with the funding and production of 'The Passion' movie ~ Hey , throw in a few martini's and the cocktail that is already in Mel's head plus a historically volatile personality and there you have it. PLUS there is a spiritual dimension to all of this whether we believe it or not. Just maybe some fallen prince just doesn't like the effect that movie had anyway. I personally think it made the little price a little mad. I also have great delight in KNOWING that the prince of this world is judged already according to the words of the Christ in John's gospel (i think) and Satan's accomodations are waiting ~ the heat is , infact on for that loser. Have a happy eternity devil .