So what is it that causes you to tap your foot unconsciously to the music playing in the background while you thumb thru your morning newspaper sipping your morning coffee. Apparently, it's not just because it's Saturday morning and you can take your time because you don't have to be at the office or place of employment ! THEN....
You are driving while listening to your favorite radio station and suddenly you find you are driving rather aggressively as you listen to that upbeat, cutting edge, grooving tune that seems to energize the heck outta you!!!! Just be glad a cop didn't happen to zap you with the radargun. You would have had to pay that fine for speeding or go to court! You are in both case scenarios, the subject, unbeknownst to you, of the principle of 'ENTRAINMENT' !!!
Your brain actually picks up on and duplicates ,beats, pulses, spikes on a wave etc., which convert to the physical action demonstrated in the two above examples. This is very normal, and now it is possible , with advances in science and tech stuff, to actually use this principle to change ones mental state. Amazing!!!
You want to be more focused, able to concentrate, with a refreshed mind? So let's take a person who is in that state and simply copy that active brain pattern if it were possible. Then we take that pattern and play it along side of someone who is in 'normal' mode. Lo and behold! There is change from ther normal pattern over a period of time to the higher state of brain activity.Thus performance is also altered. This has become a proven science. They use it in movies, entertainment and advertising! Very interesting , isn't it?
Well, imagine if you could tune in to the vibe of heaven. If you are a believer you have this access into God's very presence. The longer you listen to the vibe of heaven, the more prone you will be to start to vibe with it. This is how we are transformed as believers into His likeness. We behold the VERY IMAGE of the Lord. As we steadfastly behold the image of the Lord by giving HIM due attention, we are changed or even metamorphasised thru this wonderful principal and become more like Him. Unfortunately in these days everyone is so buisy running to and fro. Very few take the time to be still and know He is God. We have to TAKE the time. It will not surrender itself to us. So take the time to get before Him and steadfastly behold Him , shut up , and vibe . Then you will be able to RADIATE what you have received into this dark place called earth.