As the night darkens the stars are much clearer to behold. As we we look into the northern nightsky we see the brightest star of all ~ the North Star. It is fixed and immovable ~ a known a trusted point in the night sky by which many a ship has navigated to a peaceful harbour. As we launch into the new year our prayer is that we behold the glory of the Morning Star Himself whose Kingdom is eternal and who will bring righteous judgement to the Earth when He returns in Glory. That day is indeed upon us. It is indeed time to turn from this dark world and embrace Him, the Savior of all men. "Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God ~ believe also in Me. In My Father's House are many mansions. I go and prepare a place for you so that where I am, there you can be also. If this were not so I would have told you. You know where I am going and you know the way there." Thomas said to Him, We don't know where you are going . How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "Thomas, in contra- distinction to all others, I am the way, the truth and the very substance of life itself; no one can come to the Father, except thru Me."..... Read the rest of the conversation in the Gospel of John 14th chapter. His words remain fixed and immovable. More immovable than the North Star itself.