But what is the difference? There is indeed a precious difference ! For 'Mercy withholds from us what we righteously deserve while Grace gives to us what we do not by any means deserve'.
Here are some quotes from David Jeremiah that have been a blessing in understanding the difference between the two.
"Mercy withholds the knife from the heart of Isaac, while Grace provides the ram caught in the thicket" ~ Abrahams test.
"Mercy runs to forgive the prodigal son, while Grace throws a party with a robe , a ring and a fatted calf" ~ A parable of Jesus.
"Mercy binds the wounds of the man beaten by robbers, while Grace covers the cost of his full recovery" ~ The Good Samaritan.
"Mercy hears the cry of the thief on the cross, while Grace promises paradise that very day."
"Mercy pays the penalty for our sin at the cross, while Grace provides the righteousness of Christ in its place."
"Mercy converts Saul on the road to Damascus, while Grace calls him to be the great apostle (Paul)."
"Mercy saves John Newton out of a life of debauchery, while Grace inspires him to write the greatest hymn that has ever been written."
"Mercy keeps us out of hell, Grace takes us to heaven"
"If these words makes no sense to you, I pray the Spirit Slips on thru ...He loves you" ~ Larry Norman
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