..:: God Makes it Obvious ::.. Sent into Livingwater.com by Milt S. (Minneapolis, MN)
I had just received my first order of tracts from Living Waters - the Million Dollar Bill. The next morning, I prayerfully asked God to show me when to use them, since I had no clue, nor any guts to follow through. I said, "God, it needs to be REALLY obvious!"
I had a bunch of tracts in my wallet as my wife and I started out for work that morning. She asked me to stop at a local convenience store for something. I went in, paid for my purchase, and as I opened my wallet, I saw the Million Dollar Bills. Should I give the clerk one? I hesitated, not sure how this all was supposed to work. I was aware of the need to reach out, but too embarrassed at my first attempt to hand out the tract.
Another guy walked in, apparently a regular at the store. There was small talk between the regular and the clerk, and all the while I am arm-wrestling with myself over handing out the tract. Then, out of the blue, the regular asked, "So, Pete, have you made your first million yet?" "No," he responded. To which I promptly said, "Here! Here's your first million!" He was delighted!!!
How much more obvious could God be?!? Now I give them away like candy.
DOES THE PICTURE ABOVE MAKE SENSE?1)Do this excercise ---> Concentrate on the four dots in the middle of the picture for about 30 seconds. Then close your eyes and tilt your head back. Keep your eyes closed. In a few seconds you will see a lighter circle . Continue looking into the circle and you will be amazed at what you'll see next.2)After you have done the excercise read this next part --->
IS YOUR LIFE MAKING SENSE ? The thought here is that you do not see to full picture until you follow the instructions given as in the bold above. Real Life Application? You bet! Here goes ~ What you see in your life at present may not make alot of sense to you i.e. the circumstances , conditions you may find yourself in are often beyond your control ~ even your own condition of heart. That is why we need to look at and read and act upon the Creators instructions (Gods Word - the bible and it's message to us)When we do this, as we close our eyes and relax, we will begin to see the vision God has for us and the face of the One who loves us.
Our God is an interactive God. Jesus is the mediator. He is also the Pre-eminent One in God's plan for us. Read Colossians and email this to a friend.
God loves you
...and has a wonderful plan for your life.
It is true that God loves you, but you decide if His plan is "wonderful." If you have heard that happiness comes through Jesus Christ, you may like to think again. The first thing Jesus said of the Apostle Paul (who wrote most of the New Testament) was that He would show him "how great things he must suffer for (His) name's sake.1 Three times Paul was beaten with rods, once he was stoned, three times he suffered shipwreck, a night and a day he spent in the sea. There were times when Paul was so unhappy, he wanted to die.2
The Bible says, "All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."3 It says we enter the Kingdom of God through much distress,4 and that we were appointed to afflictions.5
Jesus said if we followed Him we would be reviled, persecuted, hated, and all manner of evil would be said against us falsely, for His sake. He warned that we would have to take up our cross daily, deny ourselves and follow Him, saying, "In the world you shall have tribulation," and even that we may be called to die for our faith.6
My wife once spoke to a young man who had believed alluring television advertisements and joined the navy to see the world; and what did he see?— He saw the sea . . . and found nothing but hard work. Now he couldn't wait to leave the navy. If they had been honest in their advertising, the navy may not have got as many recruits, but at least the ones they did get would be committed, rather than deserters at heart.
I have told you the truth about Christianity. Oh . . . I forgot to mention one thing—along with the trials comes "the gift of God" . . .everlasting life!7 The Apostle Paul lost everything for the sake of his faith, and said that compared to what he had found in Jesus Christ, all the riches of this world were nothing but "dung."8
If you are interested in your eternal salvation, with a tender conscience, answer the following: Have you ever lied, hated, lusted, stolen, committed adultery, had sex outside of marriage (or desired to)? Have you kept the Sabbath holy, always honored your parents, have you put God first in your affections, have you blasphemed His name (using it to curse), have you made a god to suit yourself (been guilty of "idolatry"—making a god in your own image)?
If you have broken even one of those Ten Commandments, then you have "sinned against God." On Judgment Day you will be found to be guilty. Forget any thought of a "wonderful plan"—without God's mercy, you will go to Hell. Unless you repent, you will perish.9 God doesn't ask you to consider His plan for your life, He commands you to repent.10 When Jesus died on the cross, He took the punishment which was due to you and me for our sins. In doing so, He satisfied the demands of Eternal Justice, and at the same time He demonstrated how much God loves us. If you repent and put your faith in Jesus, God will forgive your sins and grant you the gift of everlasting life. Don't say you will "give it some thought"—instead obey the command.
If you stepped into a courtroom and offered to pay a $50,000 fine I couldn't pay, what an insult it would be for me to say I would give your offer of help "some thought." Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, then by the grace of God hold on, because you have just begun the "abundant life"—you are going to be busy swimming upstream against the world (with all its sinful pleasures), the flesh (your sinful nature) and the devil (you'll find out about him). Read the Bible daily, obey what you read, and you will never fail.
For further reading—Foxes Book of Martyrs (at your Christian bookstore ~ deep discount ).
Bible references:
1. Acts 9:16
2. 2 Corinthians 1:8
3. 2 Timothy 3:12
4. Acts 14:22
5. 1 Thessalonians 3:3
6. Matthew 24:9
7. Romans 6:23
8. Philippians 3:8
9. Luke 13:3
10. Acts 17:30 Above tract is available at http://www.livingwaters.com
AND SOMETHING MIGHTIER THAN "THE FORCE" WILL BE WITH YOU ...UPON GRADUATION YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF TO BE - A FULLY EQUIPPED 'JEDI' OF THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - HAVING HANDS ON KNOWLEDGE OF TOOLS TO ENABLE TO SNATCH A HUMAN SOUL FROM THE FIRE BRANDS OF HELL ! ( FOR YOU UNBELIEVERS ~ 'TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION' )Join more than 5,000 students from around the world . . . from Norway, England, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Argentina, Pakistan, China, Australia, Holland, South Korea, Africa, Greece, Malaysia, France, Singapore and the United States.
Study at your own pace. If you miss some time, just pick up where you left off. Each lesson takes about 20-40 minutes (depending on how in-depth you study it). The course may be started at any time as each lesson goes by number rather than by date. We are available to answer your questions during the course via e-mail, and many questions can be answered through interaction with other students on the forum and chat room. ALL ABOUT THE SCHOOL...
It has been said, " The devil trembles when he sees, the weakest Christian on his knees ". It has also been said, " Pray as if everything depends on God, then work as if everything depends on you !" . Saint Francis of Assisi(sp) said, " Preach the Gospel, use words if necessary " ~ only thing about Saint Francis though, was that he kinda liked to be around animals alot and they don't understand human words. St. Paul said to Timothy (his son in the faith) " Preach the gospel,in season and out of season. Exhort, rebuke etc. with all meekness and longsuffering, for the time will come when sound doctrine will no longer be tolerated " ~ welcome to 2005. If you call yourself 'Christian', depart from iniquity, get with God and open your mouth wide and He will fill it with His words for a lost and dying world. (by grace thru faith)
One of the "The Way of the Master" episodes, "The Greatest Gamble" has such a clear gospel presentation that we've produced it as a separate DVD. It eliminates phrases like "Who do you know who isn't saved?" and is packaged so that it doesn't appear to be a Christian product, making it a great gift for the unsaved.
This DVD explains that the "greatest gamble" is to say there is no hell. It helps the lost understand that they're gambling with their eternity, explains the evidences for hell as a just punishment for sin, addresses the conscience, etc. The on-the-street interviews clearly explain the gospel. Available at a very low cost in small quantities, it's perfect for giving to lost people as an effective witnessing tool.
Back cover copy:
Many people enjoy the excitement of gambling — taking a risk for the chance of a big payoff.
What would you be willing to risk to win a cool $10 million and be set for life? Would you bet your very life playing Russian roulette? We went to Las Vegas and made that offer, and some people said yes!
However, there is something at stake that is even greater. See if you are already taking the greatest gamble. $2.00 EACH IN QUANTATIES OVER 10!
To find out if you need God, you must ask yourself some very important questions.
Are you a good person... by God's standards?
And if so... are you good enough to go to heaven?
The above link has the key to biblical evangelism.
Once you as a believer, who desires to share your faith effectively, understands the significance of 'the lawful use of the law' in bringing sinners to Christ, personally sharing your faith will become much less of a daunting task and more of a joyful experience.
There is nothing more encouraging to the soul than new hope when it comes! John the Baptist said that no man receives anything that isn't given from above. Whether we realize it or not, we are all under that 'law' or 'spiritual' principle'.
In this world many folks give their lives to aquire wealth to the exclusion of family relationships. They burn up their time on this palnet in the pursuit of that which is fleeting and while doing so are robbed of the most precious and meaningful time they could ever know. Jesus said 'What does it profit if a man (or woman) gains the whole world and loses his (or her)own soul.'
God himself is the author or the priceless substance of 'encouragement ' or 'new hope'. Only He can bring forth new life from a dead thing. It only takes one touch from the God of heaven. How do we receive that 'one touch' to bring life to us ?
Jesus said it in such a simple way that a child could understand. 'Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God....believe also in Me.' That word is the same word used to describe what you do when you recline yourself on a couch. You trust yourself to it. We need to realize we are dealing with a Person, not an organization or church. We need to get 'vertical' as to our realtionship with Him and count the opinions of men (horizontal) as nothing. He used the contrast between love and hate to describe what our attitude needs to be. This is a choice to turn once and for all from our earthly (horizontal) activities and 'go vertical' 'Seek first the kingdom of God, and all the things you worry about will be taken care of' Once we, by the grace of God have engaged ourselves in this way and turn to Him alone, we are ready to receive from above the substance of that which is eternal. In Him we find all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge. To be touched by heaven is to receive new hope indeed!
These tracts are printed on a "highly durable paper which is tear, water, oil, grease and weather resistant," according to the manufacturer. CLICK HERE TO OBTAIN 'THE INDESTRUCTABLE TICKET TO HEAVEN TRACTS'